Selasa, 06 September 2011

Resume Penelitian Berkenaan Pola Adaptasi Seksual Narapidana

1. Adanya pembagian peran sebagai laki-laki dan peran perempuan atau husband and Wifes di Penjara Propinsi Gaueng, Afrika Selatan :

Male prison populations tend to be divided into people identified as 'men' and those identified as 'women'. 'Women' are seen primarily as the sexual property and servants of 'men' and are often forcibly taken as 'wives' (or wyfies) by other inmates in relationships known as 'marriages'.3 They are required to take care of the 'home' space (cell) and to be sexually available to their partners. 'Men'/'husbands', on the other hand, provide materially for their 'wives' through activity in the 'business' of prison.4 'Marriage'-type interactions are reportedly the most common site of sex in men's prisons and are accepted in the hegemonic inmate culture as the right place for sex to happen. Like in accounts of sexual mores from the mine compounds (Moodie 1994) and women's prisons (Dirsuweit 1999, 2003) they arrange around a conflation of gender and sex role: men penetrate and women are penetrated.”

Sumber :

Taylor & Francis, Ltd. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Culture, Health & Sexuality. Rules of Engagement: Structuring Sex and Damage in Men's Prisons and Beyond Author(s): Sasha Gear Source: Culture, Health & Sexuality, Vol. 7, No. 3, African Sexualities (May, 2005), pp. 195-208 Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Stable URL: Accessed: 16/10/2009 03:10

2. Adanya kondisi anomi di penjara Amerika didasarkan pada adanya perbedaan perlakuan antara narapidana kasus kriminal biasa dengan narapidana politik pada tiga tempat/tahapan yang harus dilalui yaitu : Detention Processes, The Transit Camp dan Corrective Labor Camps.

Sumber :

Inmate Organization and Anomie in American Prisons and Soviet Labor Camps Author(s): Donald R. Cressey and Witold Krassowski Source: Social Problems, Vol. 5, No. 3 (Winter, 1957-1958), pp. 217-230 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Society for the Study of Social Problems Stable URL:

3. Bunuh diri menurut Durkheim disebabkan karena dua faktor, yaitu dua variabel sosial, integrasi dan regulasi, bersama-sama menentukan tingkat bunuh diri. Tingkat tinggi disebabkan oleh kondisi ekstrem integrasi (egoisme atau altruisme) atau peraturan (anomi atau fatalisme), atau oleh beberapa kombinasi dari kondisi ekstrim.

Durkheim's One Cause of Suicide Author(s): Barclay D. Johnson Source: American Sociological Review, Vol. 30, No. 6 (Dec., 1965), pp. 875-886 Published by: American Sociological Association Stable URL: Accessed: 16/10/2009 04:23

4. Penelitian yang menguraikan penyebab tentang terjadinya homoseksual dan mengarahkan orientasi seksual dengan menggunakan metode perilaku, psikodinamik, hormon, farmasi dan metode bedah.

Redirecting Sexual Orientation: Techniques and Justifications Author(s): Timothy F. Murphy Source: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 29, No. 4 (Nov., 1992), pp. 501-523 Published by: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (Taylor & Francis Group) Stable URL: Accessed: 16/10/2009 02:50

5. Penelitian yang menyebutkan bahwa perilaku homoseksualitas sebagai bentuk dari pola adaptasi di penjara wanita sekaligus menegaskan merupakan bentuk atas akibat kondisi anomi di penjara laki-laki serta perbandingan perilaku homoseksualitas di penjara antara narapidana wanita dan pria.

Homosexuality: A Mode of Adaptation in a Prison for Women Author(s): David A. Ward and Gene G. Kassebaum Source: Social Problems, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Autumn, 1964), pp. 159-177 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Society for the Study of Social Problems Stable URL: Accessed: 16/10/2009 03:18

Tabel :


Replies of women's prison staff and female and male inmates to the statement:

"A rough estimate of the number of women (men) who haxe sexual affairs at one time or another with other women (men) while in prison would be:

Estimate of Homosexuality

Woman’s Prison Staff

Female Inmates

Male Inmates

5 percent or less




15 Percent




30 Percent




50 Percent




70 Percent




90 Percent or more




100 (58)

100 (263)

100 (744)

Note: 6 staff members, 30 female inmates, and 127 male inmates refused or were unable to make an estimate.

6. Penelitian tentang perilaku dasar seksual manusia, dimana penelitian ini membagi tipe-tipe perilaku dasar tersebut seperti hewan mammalia.

The Primate Basis of Human Sexual Behavior Author(s): Gerrit S. Miller, Jr. Source: The Quarterly Review of Biology, Vol. 6, No. 4 (Dec., 1931), pp. 379-410 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: Accessed: 24/07/2009 00:48

7. Penelitian yang menyebutkan bahwa kekerasan di dalam penjara salah satunya disebabkan oleh adanya pembatasan yang ketat dalam hal seksual di dalam penjara.

Two paradigms are frequently used to explain serious prison violence. In one, violence is said to result from psycho- logical tensions induced by crowded conditions (see, e.g., Cox et al., 1984). In the second, violence is seen as one among several important control mechanisms deeply rooted in the authorita- rian, economic, sexual, and racial order of prison (see, e.g., Sykes, 1958; McCleery, 1961; Irwin, 1980). While these models are clearly not mutually exclusive (see, e.g., Ellis, 1984), they have taken researchers along quite distinct paths.”

Crowding, Social Control, and Prison Violence: Evidence from the Post-Ruiz Years in Texas Author(s): Sheldon Ekland-Olson Source: Law & Society Review, Vol. 20, No. 3 (1986), pp. 389-421 Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Law and Society Association Stable URL: Accessed: 24/07/2009 00:53

8. Di Amerika Serikat narapidana yang memiliki pasangan dapat dikunjungi oleh istri atau keluarganya dua kali dalam satu bulan dalam durasi 2 jam, di ruang kunjungan mereka bisa berkumpul bersama-sama, walaupun begitu hak ini tetap melalui tahapan uji kelayakan bagi narapidana yang bersangkutan.

Marital Relationships of Prisoners in Twenty-Eight Countries Author(s): Ruth Shonle Cavan and Eugene S. Zemans Source: The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, Vol. 49, No. 2 (Jul. - Aug., 1958), pp. 133-139 Published by: Northwestern University Stable URL: Accessed: 24/07/2009 01:35

9. Penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa perilaku seksual narapidana di penjara adalah Masturbasi, Homoseksualitas dan Perkosaaan antar narapidana.

Prison Sexology: Two Personal Accounts of Masturbation, Homosexuality, and Rape Author(s): John Money and Carol Bohmer Source: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Aug., 1980), pp. 258-266 Published by: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (Taylor & Francis Group) Stable URL: Accessed: 24/07/2009 00:52

10. Penelitian yang menunjukkan pentingny a kunjungan bagi narapidana dalam menjaga hubungan baik narapidana dengan keluarganya

This optimism stems from the powerful potential possessed by family visitation programs to maintain inmates’ social ties with their families through visits. Indeed, the limited evaluative research on visitation programs to date indicates that they are related to enhanced social adjustment for both the period of incarceration and release/

Going to Prison: A Prison Visitation Program, Richard Tewksbury and Matthew DeMichele, The Prison Journal 2005; 85; 292m.

11. Penelitian yang menunjukkan program kunjungan narapidana sebagai bentuk solusi dari pengurangan kekerasan terhadap narapidana, meningkatkan stabilitas kekeluargaan narapidana dengan keluarganya dan mengurangi angka homoseksualitas di penjara Misissipi.

Does Participation in Conjugal Visitations Reduce Prison Violence in Mississippi? An Exploratory Study, Christopher Hensley, Mary Koscheski and Richard Tewksbury, Criminal Justice Review 2002; 27; 52,

12. Kekerasan seksual dalam penjara merupakan pelanggaran serius dan merusak. Bentuk yang paling brutal penyerangan seksual, seperti pemerkosaan (kadang-kadang terjadi
korban yang sama setiap hari selama bertahun-tahun) dan gang rape-bisa menyebabkan permanen fisik, psikologis, emosional, sosial, dan masalah-masalah seksual dan bahkan kematian dari korban; tetapi sekali pelecehan seksual, korban kemungkinan besar akan berulang kali target - karena kehilangan status sosial, dianggap kelemahan, dan kerentanan. Kadang
bahkan korban bereaksi dengan menjadi agresor seksual, sehingga melanjutkan lingkaran setan
dan mungkin membawa keluar dari penjara dan ke masyarakat di luar sekolah.

Editorial: Sexual Violence in Prison, Thomas Noll, Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol 2008; 52; 251,

13. Kinsey dalam penelitiannya yang berjudul Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male, menjelaskan bahwa sebagian besar laki-laki populasi, memiliki setidaknya beberapa pengalaman homoseksual antara masa remaja dan usia tua. Selain, sekitar 60 persen dari anak-anak usia pra
terlibat dalam aktivitas homoseksual, dan ada kelompok tambahan laki-laki dewasa yang menghindari terang-terangan kontak tetapi yang cukup sadar potensi mereka untuk bereaksi terhadap laki-laki lain.

Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell R. Pomeroy, and Clyde E. Martin. Sexual

Behavior in the Human Male. Philadelphia, Pa: W.B. Saunders:

1948: 610-666.

With Enough Cases, Why Do You Need Statistics? Revisiting Kinsey's Methodology Author(s): Julia A. Ericksen Source: The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 35, No. 2 (May, 1998), pp. 132-140 Published by: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (Taylor & Francis Group) Stable URL: Accessed: 26/10/2009 05:13

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